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Power Based Workouts for Runner

Power based workout for Stryd which can be programmed directly through Garmin connect

WARNING: This data field is a simplified version of Power Tool for devices which limited memory. Power Tool features include all features of this data filed.

Power Based Workout for Runner is a data field for Garmin watches that allows:

  • displaying the power in real time or its sliding average over up to 5 minutes
  • displaying a colored background which reflects the power zones
  • programming structured workouts based on the power using Garmin connect’s trainings.

The data field can be used as second field to the Stryd’s own field Power Zone or standalone. But, in the second case, no data will be pushed to the Power Center.

Connect IQ configuration

Power device

It is possible to to connect to the power device through the firmware or directly through an ANT+ connection.

The direct connection should be used on watches that does not support power sensors (like the FR245). In this case, set “Power Device Source” to “ANT+” and eventually specify explicitly the ANT+ device ID.

For watches that support power devices, set “Power Device Source” to “Integrated” and bind the sensor directly using the sensor discover function of the watch.

Display configuration

2 or 3 values can be displayed on the screen.

The power displayed is instant or a sliding average over up to 5 minutes. The main field is using the biggest possible font.

Training Zones

Using the configuration it is possinle to specify the power zones manually. The power zones will not be fetched from Stryd’s Power Center.

The zones are displayed in a form of a colored background progress bar:

  • Zone 1: Gray
  • Zone 2: Blue
  • Zone 3: Green
  • Zone 4: Yellow
  • Zone 5: Red

Structured workout parameters

Connect IQ permits configuring the alerts for it:

  • Enabling/disabling sound or vibrations for out of range alerts
  • The parameter “Time before raising an alert” permits to specify after how many seconds an alert is generated.
  • The parameter “Time between an alert repetition” permits to specify how long to wait until the alert is emitted again.

Activity configuration on the Watch

On the watch it is only necessary to add the field “Power Workout” with the same procedure as Stryd’s “Power Zone”.

For structured workouts, it is possible to enable an additional alert on the watch itself. This will create a full screen notification when the power is out of the requested range.

To enable it, you have to do following on your watch:

  1. Edit the parameters of your running activity
  2. Go to the “Alerts” menu
  3. Select “Add New
  4. Select “Connect IQ Data Fields
  5. Select “Power Workout
  6. Exit the settings by pressing several times the back button.

Demonstration video of the watch setup:


Creation using Garmin Connect

To create a power based workout, just use the usual procedure to create workouts with Garmin Connect. Then instead of specifying a constrain, just add to the step a comment with the target range in the form min-max. (For example, 200-220 to request to power being between 200w and 220w.)

Here a small video of the creation of a workout whose second step has a required power between 45w and 60w:

Creation using Training Peaks, Nolio and Final Surge

It is also possible to create power based workouts using Nolio, Training Peaks or Final Surge account. Just create one and the power based step will then be automatically recognized and will work as if configured through Garmin Connect.


In a power step, the information displayed are no more following the settings but reflect the workout step’s configuration. The main value is the instant power. The second information displayed is the target range.

The background color is red, if the runner should accelerate and blue if he should decelerate. If in the range, the background color is the default one. A progress bar indicate the progress of the current workout step if time or distance based.

Here the video of the workout execution on the watch:

Software Version - Change Log

  • 1.0.0: First version
  • 1.1.0: Support of Training Peaks workouts
  • 1.2.0: Progress information of workout steps
  • 1.3.0: new color scheme with a better contrast
  • 1.3.1: recording the power into the .fit file.
  • 1.4.1: New setting when running a structured workout.
  • 1.5.0: Possibility to view only one value on the screen.
  • 1.6.0: Support of power zones and power contrains defined in workouts defined through Garmin connect.
  • 1.6.1: Disabling notifications notification when the watch is in pause mode.
  • 1.6.6: Progress bar of the current workout step
  • 1.7.1: Progress bar of the current workout step when using the auto-lap feature

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